Delivering Complete Vinyl PVC Sheet Piling Solutions to the Global Market

Vinyl Sheet Piling for Retaining Wall
The Vinyl or PVC sheet pile has been a popular choice in many kinds of permanent applications including soil and water retention.
Due to proven durability, corrosion resistance, and enhanced water tightness, it has become a primary option when comes to Temporary Works such as:
• cofferdams;
• diaphragm walls; and
• foundation support
Vinyl sheet piles are also widely utilized in Permanent Applications including:
• quay walls;
• bridge abutments;
• underground storage tanks;
• basements; and
• tunnels and shafts
The use of a vinyl sheet piling system has been a milestone in curbing the defects associated with the other forms of sheet piles, including the use of steel and timber. Sheet piles are earth retention materials that are utilized when operations such as construction activities are being carried out. However, the conventional sheet piling systems facing corrosion issues especially in marine environments as well as for durability purposes. With the introduction of vinyl sheet piles, the defects have so far been overcome.

Why Choose PVC Sheet Piles?
They are characterized by a long lifespan - With the vinyl sheet piles, the material quality is assured of up to 50+ years usage without substantial degradation in their effectiveness of use. Compared to other forms of sheet piles, including steel and timber, they tend to be inert to the environmental factors that include the action of water as well as the weak carbonic acids that might have accumulated from CO2 concentration.
In the case of Timber sheet piles, they usually swell as a result of being soaked by water. Vinyl sheet piles are, on the other hand, impermeable, therefore, are not affected whatsoever by the chemical action of water.
You are assured of Cost-effectiveness - Minimizing operation cost is one of the goals of most contractors. The use of vinyl sheet piles reduces the maintenance costs since these materials are not affected by corrosion which affects steel sheet piles. With proper installation method, vinyl sheet piles can be used up to 50+ years without experiencing much deterioration. Compared to other materials, such as steel and timber, usually have shorter lifespans of around 20-30 years depending on their exposure environment.
They maintain their architectural integrity - The use of vinyl sheet piles often has the advantage of maintaining their consistent appearance in use for a long time. This is because they utilize their intrinsic color, different from timber that has to be painted, hence, has the effects of fading away. They are as well inert to agents of rusting as experienced in the use of steel sheet piles. With this, they can last for long periods without experiencing deterioration regarding their architectural threshold.
They can be used to filter the dangerous sun's rays -
UV rays are always dangerous to human skin as they cause the growth of cancerous cells. Vinyl sheet piles can often be engineered to meet the user's circumventions of allowing light rays to penetrate while blocking the dangerous UV radiations at the same time. This is usually the reason for their preference in the event of natural light requirement.
They are resistant to marine borers - In the marine environments, living organisms that include the crustaceans and mollusks usually eats up timber structures, compromising their structural value. For the case of timber sheet piles, they usually bore through them, compromising the anticipated lifespan of the piles. With the use of vinyl sheet piles, the effects of sea creatures usually are not experienced since they are resistant to their actions.
Cost of Vinyl Sheet Piles Installation are Low - Vinyl sheet piles are often characterized by ease in use for their light weights, unlike the steel sheet piles that are often bulky. Besides, they need no additional protection as in the case of timber that must be coated in the sea environment to avoid swelling.