Delivering Complete Vinyl PVC Sheet Piling Solutions to the Global Market

ESC PVC Sheet Piling
ESC is a global piling solutions provider supplying to projects in all continents. ESC's innovative range of vinyl or PVC Sheet Piling is an eco-friendly, highly corrosion resistant material that can be an effective alternative to steel sheet piles, concrete and wood materials.
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Advantages of ESC Vinyl Sheet Piles
50+ year design life - Due to its superior corrosion resistance, ESC Vinyl Sheet Piles can be installed with the confidence of structural integrity and appearance even after 50 years
Cost Efficiency - both from installation and long term cost savings due to superior corrosion resistance and lower price per unit metre material
Consistent Appearance - Vinyl sheet piles are virtually eliminated so a lasting, aesthetic finish of vinyl sheet piles can be expected
UV Resistance - The PVC material is engineered with special compounds for resistance to the harmful ultraviolet rays
No toxic coatings - No coatings are required, which may be detrimental to the environment
Not Affected by Marine Borers - Small mollusks or crustaceans in the ocean can cause devastating effects over a period of time to traditional timber piling. Vinyl Sheet Piling offers an attractive alternative that is unaffected by these organisms.
Easy Installation - Compared to steel sheet piles, vinyl sheet piles can be up to 40 times lighter per square meter making it much easier to handle. Driving can also be completed under certain conditions by pressing down with an excavator or a compact vibrohammer.

ESC Synthetic/PVC Sheet Pile Profiles